Monday 15th July saw the Squadron celebrate the many achievements of the cadets from the past year. Cadets’ families and friends were invited to the Squadron to see them presented with awards ranging from classification achievements to first aid certificates. The cadets also demonstrated their Continuity routine to the guests. The Squadron also had a […]
On August 26th, 11 cadets visited the RAF 100 Aircraft tour in Birmingham City Centre. The cadets where lucky enough to be part of the VIP tour right at the start of the event. They got to look around the F35, Typhoon, Spitfire and Sopwith Snipe, as well as the STEM tent. Cadets got a […]
As a Squadron, our staff and cadets have had a very busy year, and what better way to celebrate than our annual Presentation Evening. Cadets, with their parents, guardians and friends visited the Squadron on 2nd July to see the cadets presented with their certificates and trophies they have achieved over the year since July 2017. […]